Upcoming online events

We are collaborating with a distributed faculty of guest teachers to bring you live, participative, (un)learning sessions, and practice driven change rooted in the following ongoing inquiry:

How might we compost & re-imagine the dominant story of our times, the story of our separation?

This series of gatherings will take place over 3 months. They have been curated to work together as an (un)learning cycle but you are welcome to join individual sessions.

These are participative, experimental online gatherings. Each session will offer creative fertiliser from guest teachers as well as practices to creatively respond to the session as a way of being in relationship with the 'content' offered. 

3 months, 3 gatherings - everyone welcome.

Pick one, two or all three .

For curious people, longing to create more beautiful, peaceful, life-sustaining cultures.

# 1: Departing

28th May 6:30-8:30pm UK

The Age of Fugitivity

with Bayo Akomolafe

#2: Descending

25th of June, 6-8pm UK

Facing Denials & Unlearning our Colonial Habits of Being

with Azul (Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures).

#3: Dreaming

16th of July, 6-8pm UK

How being Polytemporal can help us meet this moment

with Ella Saltmarshe