Evva Semenowicz

Facilitator & space holder

The landscape I called home as a child was that of skyscrapers and post-communist architecture, observed from the 7th floor of the tower block I grew up in. At that time, the rhythmic clanking and squealing of nighttime trams was the sound of home. 

But there was also another current flowing through my experience of growing up in Poland; that of folk superstitions, herbal medicines, and everyday nature-based rituals (such as my grandma invoking me to find a silver birch tree to hug and ask for good health).

This was Warsaw in the 90s, just after the collapse of communism, experiencing the tension of one world dying as another one was being born. The newly found modernity and capitalism were painting over the landscape, with faint whispers of folk and nature-based traditions in the background. I now recognise just how much this tension shaped me; the mysterious whispers of my naturalness never ceased and they were the spark for my personal unravelling in my late 20s.

From an early age, observing was my favourite pass time, learning to sense the world and look beyond what can be seen. This love has led me (via a squiggly career) to work in creative brand strategy, where I got to use my intuition and feed my curiosity for the world, working with brands that wanted to be culturally relevant. This is also where my journey towards facilitation began, through designing co-creation sessions, workshops for teams and experimenting with play as a way to nurture creativity. 

And then, the whispers got louder - a deep nagging feeling and a growing discomfort around the role of the creative industry in fuelling unnecessary consumption. This set me off on a journey of creating work in service to all life.   

Inquiring into that sense of discomfort, I become involved in community grassroots organising across social & ecological causes. In 2018 I co-founded the Bath chapter of Good for Nothing, a generosity network helping to accelerate the impact of projects for social good. Increasing awareness and worry over the wellbeing of our home planet led me to my first local XR meetings in 2019.

When in 2020 George Floyd was brutally murdered, I was involved in organising a protest in Bath, which saw thousands of people show up to express their grief. 

Deepening my understanding of systemic oppression and interconnectedness of social & ecological crises, I helped to launch Dream Space- a community listening project inspired by the street protests stories defining our times. 

Most recently I have been involved in facilitating spaces for the creative industry through Creatives for Climate, an organisation working to reskill, connect and amplify creative voices for meaningful action on climate & inequality crisis.

In 2021 I joined the first Becoming Crew Learning Marathon- a transformative (un)learning adventure and a personal inquiry into the process of composting as a blueprint for letting go of exploitative work narratives & consumerism. Through the Becoming Crew adventure, I was able to experience the power of peer-to-peer learning and deepen my commitment to living life as an inquiry, which I now weave into my work.

I find meaning in exploring edges and helping to surface what’s not being named. I am most excited about holding spaces for collective transformation and nurturing experiences of deep, meaningful connection.

I live in Bath where I continue to carry questions, sow seeds and listen to the whispers in my heart.